May 11, 2010

The Price of Being Sane

Being sane, being in control I am..
slowly, surely;
learning the ways of the world

being sane, being in control I am..

no longer do I feel intense grief.....
no longer am I insanely elated....
no ups and mood swings...
all there is left is predictability!

where is the creativity - that weaved my
erratic thoughts into intrinsic patterns !
where is the emotional net - that flung itself
far and wide and brought me pearls of wisdom!

In the nights, when the guards are down,
my mind keeps searching...and searching.....

For the rabbit-hole to my alice in wonderland.....
And just when I find it and jump down...

The bottom opens out to reality and boredom!

Remove this burden, set me free..
I dont want to be sane.....
I just want to be me!
I dont want to be sane...
I want to be me!


Blogger Unknown said...

There is no reason as such to go insane.

When boredom sweeps in, it then that creativity should arise and take control.

And creativity it is, that then sweeps out boredom.

I know, its easier said than done, but of course not impossible for someone who has always believed in herself and is what she is despite the many odds.

And you have lot of creative ideas that you can implement now, that you have more time and the Flug fur Freiheit.


10:37 pm, May 18, 2010  

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