March 25, 2009

Remembrances !

Choosing to sit alone, I ventured to caress the feelings of our meet...

The looks exchanged, the feelings spoken, the words felt, the touch of the senses..
The anticipation of whats-to-come and the pleasure of what-it-been.
Slipping through my fingers like water.... leaving just a hint of wetness that had been...
Cling to it, as desperately as I must... the heat of the wind wrungs me dry :(
Its there and yet not quite there...

Like the moon hiding behind a veil of clouds... A faint glimmer, a faint outline,
The nites spent yearning for the brightness to a-wash my soul..
So near and yet so far.. So near and yet so far...

I have remembered and felt you -- of the occasions and times so trivial ...
Etched as they are my senses and my memories..
I can pluck them like a lily from a valley of flowers, the color I choose, the bloom I wish..
I can transcend to that very moment...between the felt sensation and the spoken word...

Where is it lost now....why cant I grasp it now....
Why is the moment that has been so-long-in-waiting passed by in a flash!
Receding so fast, I can barely see its light..

Is it a play of the heart..... the scared and the fragile heart ?!
So afraid of the hurt...that its shied away from the anticipation of joy.... !
Is it the play of the mind....imprisoned in its probabilities..
So negative is the balance.....that this small positive has been discarded ... !

Or is it the voice of a much higher mind... to dwell not, on what is to be lost ?!
to dwell not, on what is just one of the infinite moments of joy rushing my way ?!


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