January 18, 2007

It is One of Those Days !!

It is one of those days......

When the world seems upside down....
When a dull mist hangs all around.....
And every beauty gets toned down....

It is one of those days...

When I miss a lot....
What I miss, why is miss,
This 'enlightenment' is the most a-miss.....

It is one of those days....

When I want to touch the stars
and ride on the clouds......
And the earth binds my feet steadfastly :-(

It is one of those days....

When I am not myself......
Or rather when I am myself.....
Or then I am the myself that I cannot be.............

It is one of those days.....

When I yearn for understanding....
When I search for a solution...
And neither can be found :-((

It is one of those days....
When I want to be happy........
pure and unadulterated........

Not from my senses or my heart......
But from my soul.......

It is one of those days....

Spent searching for my soul.....
For my unbound and limitless spirit.....
To pamper and feel it.....

It is one of those days.....
When I feel myself lost ..........
Searching for my true purpose..........

It is one of those days.....
When I cannot express myself enough..



Blogger Unknown said...

You are on the right track

10:05 pm, February 20, 2007  

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