February 27, 2006


To be or not to be...seems the question........
Is my wrong, your wrong and your right, my right ??

Just trying to put the same point fwd...thru the autobiography of a bullet...

I am a bullet. I am writing this to my creator.So what should I tell you about me

that you would not know. Well you are of the species of my actual creator and not

the same one. You may not know how I am made...
Well then be my audience..I am a bullet for a short gun...As I was being moulded

from raw iron, all the tedious processes, the rigorous procedures engrained into

me one thought.. paththar ki lakeer. I am designed to kill. The destiny of a bullet,

its direction and aim is in the hands of its persecutor. But its karma is to kill,to
be accurate and deadly. The violent and volatile conditions in which my creator
fires me may send me anywhere. I will get only one chance, but I

will rip through whatever comes in my path and kill it. I am what people fear. I

open the gate to their death and hence they fear me.
With my karma firmly set in my mind, I entered the practical world. We all bullets

were companions in one case. We knew we would get one chance for glory, one

chance to prove and perform. Hence, we would be ever-ready and ever-alert.

When one of us left us forever, our impatience and excitement would only

Then came the day.I was picked up and put in a gun.Ah, the cold feeling of the

barrel/slot of the gun. Finally I am here. I am going to kill, I will do my ultimate

job and reach to glory. I have to kill, kill and kill a human target. This thought

revolved day-in, day out in my mind.
And then the gun started shaking around. It was whisked and jerked all around.
I knew instantly it was time for action. But no bullet was dispensed for a long

time.Then my boss revolved the slot and I was in line to be fired out. The situation

started clearing for me. My executioner was an armyman, whose shot never failed.

The guy opposite to him had held a girl hostage with a knife and was threatening

to run away or kill her. Tension gripped the atmosphere and I couldnt wait to kill.

If I killed him, I would have done my karma and would be happy to be dispensed

forever after that.
It seemed it would come anytime and when the trigger was pressed and I was

propelled forward, I lurched for an instant but then with great energy I zoomed

ahead.But as I neared my target, I realised something amiss.I will get him, I may

just get his side...No, I may miss him. I want to kill that damn man.But I realised

the trajectory along which Jack had fired me would take me just near the target

enough only to brush his arm. No, this is treachery.This is not justifiable.
My fate depended on you Jack. You told me to kill, I will, but why dont you give

me the damned chance....This is not real..this is not happening.....
But it was inevitable. I was completely helpless.I could just brush the side ofthe

kidnapper, just shaved off the surface of his flesh.I buzzed past in anger, regret,

denial, helplessness,anger. True you humans control my destiny like God controls

yours, but he gives you chances and choices, and you are ever grateful to him for

But what about me..Will I be destined to the garbage bins, spent and wasted. I

striked hard against the cement wall and in all my anger lodged into it.This was to

be my coffin for eternity.I did not pay attention to the sudden commotion

outside.Probably the kidnapper had killed the girl. But the voices changed to

laughter and dared to venture outside.Maybe a 2nd bullet had been fired, which

had done the job.
But no, the kidnapper had just my wound. He was lying on the ground and

clutcihng his shoulder, with Jack over him. It was all over.
And then it dawned on me.To get someone into submission, doesnt require you to

actually kill. Fear of death is enough.Jack had avoided death at his hands and still

got the guy. Then did I realise my true purpose, my true karma in life. I had to be

made to have the ability to kill and I had to be instilled with values to kill. Who

knows in some other situation I would have killed the opponent. No but killing was

the result.
My true purpose is to rip and tear, to incur the maximum possible damage. My path

is controlled by you, my creator, I may not understand your purpose, but I have

to believe in you that you will make max use of my abilities. But doing the damage,

in flesh, or cement or any material is my job.
And I have done it. I have :-) And kid as you play around with me, toss me and may

throw me away, I wish to tell you one thing : I do not despise my purpose or my

fate.I may not understand why you fire, whom you fire, whether it is moral or

ethical or patriotic...But what I cannot control, cannot understand, I will not

interfere..I will not pass a judgement. I will do my job..I will pierce and rip

through...I will do my karma.


This is the point I wanted to make..I dont want the bullet to hv compassion..i want it to be proud in its ability to kill....dont ask me y...i just felt so..its ok to be what you are..and we need tough and ugly measures....



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