March 28, 2007

Love,like Religion, they are both the same

Love, like Religion, they are both the same.
Oh, both go back a long long way...
Right at the birth of the Universe.
They are the reason we exist, we flourish..

Oh and Dont worry, science and sex, they are just, by the way...

Religion is the reason ppl create miracles...
Well a very few chosen do...
Love is the reason ppl create babies...
A miracle that the every rest of us can claim to do...

There's Christ and Krishna; there's Romeo and Juliet...
There's Bible and Geeta; There's Shakuntal and Cleopatra...
Our saviours, our epics, our pasts and our futures ?

Cut down to the mundane and there it lies...
Religion on a dusty bookshelf...
Love on a rusty teddy bear..

Oh, say your prayers and follow your rituals..
Light those candles and confess your sins...
Worship the cow and worship the Stone..
Sacrifice the lamb and sacrifice the Man...

Love like crazy, love like possession...
Be jealous, be demanding, be all-giving and all-taking...
And by the way...Guard your love like the Virgin Mary..
Control your desires and swallow your tears....
Bcoz no matter when u give away, whom u giv away;
in love, Oh it is a matter of shame and lust...

Bloodsheds and killings;to protect my religion..
Lies and betrayals; thats for my new improved religion..

Bloodsheds and killings;Oh I love her (/him)
Lies and betrayals; thats for my 'new' found love
Infidelity -> Thats fashion in love...

With noble intentions and purest of hearts...
Those simple great men sought to guide us.....
Love and compassion to all-pervading...
Love and companionship to that someone special...

It is your path, it is my journey...
We labour together, and yet travel alone...
Your deepest belief, your truest desire...
Love,like Religion, they are both the same...



Blogger Iceberg said...

miracles are not created by religion... worshipping someone or something is not religion...its faith... and its very much different from religion... infact religion and love cannot go together... but faith and love do... and CHRIST, KRISHNA wud have always preached secularism...not religion...

2:38 pm, April 05, 2007  
Blogger absolutely relative said...

Read ayn Rand's preface to the 25th edition of Fountainhead...

1:45 am, December 28, 2007  

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